[[ v§ drag0nb0a† ]]: June 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
we rowed at 6:43 PM

fine i shall post since weijian forced me to. sheesh. that squidward won me in running and then boasted to all the db c div people!!
so it was like...
John : eh. heard u lost to wei jian in running. how could you??

then later....
in passing.
Liang jie : walao! why u lose to wei jian!

after school..

bryan : OI! weijian say he won u in running! HA!

=.= tsk.
ill beat u in training ba. haha
sheesh. i suck . u see ah.
the BEST :
Running : twins and (ahem) weijian..
Push Up : Bryan n Eugene
Pull Up : Darryl ( 19 ) , bryan and me ( 15 )
Sit Up : Liang Jie and me ( both on par )
yada yada. so on and so forth. see. im either on par or around the top but not THE top.

sigh. =P
hm..seems like this blog is turning into my blog instead of db blog.. AHH. lol dont blame me hor. btw any1 who wants to post here, ask me for the password and all that ah. ill give it to u.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007
we rowed at 11:50 PM


cant be bothered to post up the photos. or maybe its the fact that my computer sucks and cant upload properly. training's going to start soon. busy week already. stupid unfinished homework.( + NCC )

ah well. i will try to post the photos. but it will be hard. meanwhile, waiting for training to resume. this time more hiong. humph.

dont be like wei jian though, who got faked by captain who said that there was training. and i think
he brought his PE. sigh.

and by the way YUNJUN if u see this, remember that there are people who needs the dragonboat shirts. haha. thats all.



Saturday, June 23, 2007
we rowed at 10:31 PM

Judgement day has finally passed.

Our team managed to come in third during the heats with a timing of 3.07 and sixth during the finals with a timing of 3.15. (Please correct this if I made a mistake.)

Even though we didn't bring back any medals, you guys have done yourselves and the school proud by being the 6th best C div dragonboat team. Your words, not mine. =P

And since it's now over, don't harp on the past anymore. What's done is done; no use crying over spilt milk; and whatever other clichés which mean the same thing.

There are other upcoming competitions like the River Regatta and next year's races. If you guys have the determination, you guys will train hard to build up your physical fitness and stamina as well as find your optimum rhythm.

Don't push the blame to anyone. Dragonboating is a team sport; a collective effort. If something goes wrong, it's not one person's fault but the whole team's.

Hope you guys keep that in mind and become more united than before. How close you guys are will definitely have a direct effect on your performance. Get to know each other better and you'll do better.

So... First place for the River Regatta alright? =)

P.S. Someone should post up the photos and videos.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
we rowed at 9:49 PM

back from mc camp. woot. aiya. there were 2 trainings. the one on wednesday was sorta endurance training cause not full team was there. we did 6 sets of 5 mins and tried to maintain gliding speed with mam's good gadget the GPS.

ok. the LAST training. i was kinda nervous cuz i scared kena suaned =)
this was the training mam was supposed to choose between John, Ming Xuan and Aaron the slackers.
we were supposed to do 4 sets.
our record was 3.11 then.
carrying many of those sui sui nice paddles dunno for what. plus 2 dead weights who didnt row.
so the first set, we push and push.
TIMING : 3.01
and we had a rest of 10 mins.
everyone complain say i row too fast LOL.
so i said OK, i try to slow down and do longer pull.
2nd set - we go around the same method as 1st
, but i TRIED to do a longer pull.
TIMING : 2.59
weee haha.
then 3nd set and 4th set we did 3.03 and 3.03. were tired ma. mam rotated with MX and John who was on the boat rowing while the other on the land.
In the end, actually i dunno who is rowing. lol. all i know is that mam decided to put the [poor sick twin younger brother ( zhi hao ) who didnt come for training today cuz of some illness ] reserve.
i didnt like that. o well. i have no say lols
bryan ask me go buy banana. wth.Vice capt always get the sai-kang ( spelling error alert ) jobs to do lor. haha jkjk

hahahaha. race in 2 more days. seniors come and support ah.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
we rowed at 6:36 PM

haha good news. while i was in malaysia, monday's gym and tuesday's sea training went on as usual. the gd news is that we ( without me of cuz =/) achieved a timing of 3.11 !!!! yay! =)
Mr harzrin says that acs timing last yr was 3.21.

haha. we have a fair chance to be champs now.

eh, but what if when i become pacer den de timing go back to 6 mins plus?


Friday, June 15, 2007
we rowed at 12:39 PM

today it rained. just when we reached kallang it started drizzling. den a super strong downpour. mam ask us wait for 1 hr first. we waited but stil it didnt stop, so we decided to reschedule training to wed. so this is our schedule:
Mon - Gym (Im in Holiday...)
Tue - Rowing ( Im in Holiday...)
Wed - Rowing
Thurs - Rowing
Friday - Rest ( Civil Defence Course )

those in red means its my own schedule.

ah well. cant help it. training's back to back. n i havent finishde my homework yet. plus have to worrry abt top 3. stress man.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007
we rowed at 4:13 PM

haha today training was ( super tough as usual ) and quite funny. forget to bring plastic bag but liang jie brought 1 for me. and my psp hanged. its still hanging T.T

ok. today mam didnt come. G.W.S! =)
we had another coach, also from tp. she quite gd haha
did race sets at first. mam said to aim for 4.30mins and below.

1st set - 4.40.
we were kinda demoralised.
2nd set - 6 mins plus
ok, now we're damn sad.
then it was like around 11, yun han and wei jian had to go for their ncc sea camp. dumb camp -.-
i had to pace with 2nd row right-side twin.
after that, our third set, mam gave us smth to aim for : " guys, you must get 4.16min and below. if u all do that right, i'll cancel the third set. "
ok, thats our inspiration. but u see ah, it was almost like impossible for us since our prev set was damn bad, 6min plus.

anw, we went. i set chionging pace all for starts, and tried to maintain. muahahaha. guess how much we got.


yeah well, its not so good but in nationals we have a better reward if we row properly. trophy =)

tried to pass message abt this blog to C'div.

thats about all. Oh wait!!!!!

mam use de bailer and pour de sea water on john's head alot of time for talking too much. hahaha.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007
we rowed at 7:01 PM

yeah. our blog is done. finally!! -.-

most of the work i had a person to help me though. her name's in credits =)

o yeah tml got sea training. damn my body's aching!


Monday, June 11, 2007
we rowed at 6:43 PM

was late . i said bus broke down ( =/ ) actually its just my toilet break at home that screwed up my schedule. mr harzrin punish me by asking me to do 10pullups. =S
today training super tough ah. duno y.everyone was damn tired. lol qama and jun heng came to training. haha
while running at lagoon we all saw this old lady wearing a ( EW! ) tube top plus some um red shorts. like, wtf? its very... ah. nevermind. then after that on the 2nd round saw another old ang moh lady wearing a bikini top and picking up rubbish from the sea. sheesh.

haha i haven told anyone abt this blog yet. lazy ah. 4 more sea trainings left. abit too close..

sidney- ( again, and will be there for a while )

Sunday, June 10, 2007
we rowed at 11:19 PM

ha. its abit late la yes i know. but all my seniors ( esp 1 with initials S.K. ) lazy to cr8 blog so ask me to.

sheeesh. nationals 23 June. so close .. scary. mr harzrin wan us to get top 3. thats kinda high.. but for our seniors, school and ourselves we will do it!! =)
morale's quite high. good.

aiya. its hard to post overall whats happening lah. so now till 23 June then till river regatta i will post a while lor. will find a better skin if im free =) o well. theres gym training tml. see wad i can post haha.
